Monday, February 18, 2008

Looking Forward to My Next Weekend

My wife went on a women's retreat with our church. That meant it was just me and the kids at home. I wasn't really looking forward to my wife being away for 2 nights and 3 days, but it made me realize how important my time really is with my children. I really enjoyed myself; we went to the park, we went out for pizza, played together, read stories, and watched movies. I'm just glad the weather allowed me out of the house almost the whole weekend, or I may have been pulling my hair out trying to entertain my kids in the house. I even had time to do some chores, make meals (other than pizza and Mickey D's), and all the other stuff parents have to do for their children. I gained some respect for my wife and especially for those single parents out there that have to deal with taking care of their children on their own. I think that up until now I didn't realize how unmotivated of a dad I have been, not that I don't do fun things with them, it's just that all-too-often I expect my wife to take care of a lot of things that I should be doing as well, and I really hope that I can take this lesson and apply it to my life to become the father and husband that I should be. I'm looking forward to my next weekend so I can hang out with my kids some more.

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