Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Long weekend coming to an end

It's been pretty hot every day, but we've made the most of it. We set the sprinkler up for the girls, we went out and played, rode our bikes, and even walked to the store. We rented some movies, did some lounging as well, in our somewhat nice 75-ish degree house along with fans blowing in our direction. My weekend comes to an end and now I'm looking forward to only having to work three days before another weekend. It looks as though, I may need to pick up one extra day, but I haven't really made a decision on that yet. One the guys on the other shifts, the guy that I used to work with needs someone to cover for him, and it looks as though I'm the only one that can do it. I'm not looking forward to splitting up my weekend like that, if I fill in.

I think I made some progress. I actually woke up last night at 3:30 and Faith wouldn't go back to bed. She is so determined. I would lay her down, and she would scream for mommy and come running out. I was hoping that I could take care of it without Jodi waking up, but after about 30 to 45 minutes, Jodi decided to succumb to the pressure and give in to Faith. Of course, once she came out Faith stayed in bed. I guess it's the mother's touch. Oh well, I'm used to it. At least Jodi let me sleep in. She's so great.

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