Sunday, December 2, 2007

First: What is marriage?

If you look at the term marriage in the dictionary, it is no wonder that so many marriages end up in divorce. defines marriage as, "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife..." and merriam-webster online defines it as, "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law." I'm not going to go into the same sex marriage issue here that the second definition expands upon, but marriage is seen as nothing more than an institution and a contractual relationship, basically a tax break and a contract that you both have to sign, with the idea that you can break that contract if you needed to. I'll admit, there is a contract or oath that you make with your spouse, but you also make and oath to God, which is one oath you don't want to break. Marriage is not the "next step" you take in a relationship when you "decide" to live as husband and wife. Marriage is not the answer to pleasing a boyfriend or girlfriend, nor is it a mere contract. There are a lot of things marriage isn't, but what is it?

Marriage is the joining of two people in a life-long commitment, where you and your spouse must act as one cohesive unit. Once you become married, you can no longer be the selfish being you once were, you must work together, make decisions together, have each other in mind rather than yourself. You must become separated from your parents and begin to build your own foundation and family. Marriage is built on a strong foundation... stay tuned as I talk more about this foundation.

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