Monday, March 17, 2008


I hope everyone had a good Easter, I know I did. I got to hang out with friends and family. I didn't get to go to my old church, but I was able to attend church none-the-less, so it wasn't that bad. Needless to say, I wasn't a big fan of my old pastors sermons anyways, I was able to get a little bit out of the sermon from my in-law's church, not much, but it was alright. I also made a kickin' Ham that used beer (Hefeweizen again, but this time Widmer's) if you're interested I'll send you the recipe. Then I had a great chat with my wife's family right before we drove back home.

Then I show up to work and find that not only did my tax return show up in my bank account, I got paid, and received a nice little bonus from my employer (that everyone received, not a personal bonus)... sweeeet! I'm excited. Then we get that whole economic stimulus thing... I might be able to afford that carpet after all or get those cabinets.

1 comment:

The Davis Family said...

Woo-hoo! Nothing like a little tax return and stimulus package! :-) No luck on the bonus for us.