Monday, April 28, 2008

A Possible New Schedule

There's more to this story, but the gist of it is that I'm trying to shift schedules at work. Right now, I work Sunday's and I would like to get Sunday's off. Partially, I want more responsibility and I want to go to the church I feel the most at home. At work, I think that I know enough now where I can run a shift, be in charge of the day-to-day operations, and answer to Intel; we call this guy "The Lead". So, basically I would become "The Lead" of this other shift and I would have one guy under my cognizance. No huge step, but I think it's something that I need, so that I feel like I'm going somewhere and progressing within my company. So, now that I've explained the concept of the lead, I can finish my story. Right now, I feel as though my lead still treats me as a trainee, and for me to really make my move within this company and industry and be recognized for my talent and ability, I have to step up to the plate. I'm not looking forward to the schedule change with the exception of getting Sunday's off, because now I will work every Friday and Saturday... ugh! But, I am looking forward to a change in roles, and a different atmosphere on a new shift. I realize that this new position is not a big deal in the eyes of the management of my company because it's not even really considered a leadership position, but I think it will help me progress and learn as now I will be the guy that Intel and my company will look to for answers. I'm also excited about going back to church, especially after going to SWHBC for only six months and then trying to find another church that met on Saturday's only to realize that I couldn't find anything that fit my needs and style of learning and worship as well as SWHBC could. I'm truly looking forward to Worship and Fellowship at my church.

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