Jodi finally got her results back for her glucose test, and I guess the hospital must go by the 'no news is good news' policy, where they don't give you your results unless they're bad. I'm just so used to the military hospital where they call you up the next day or within a few hours and give you results. Granted the military doctors were probably not as good, but we had a share of good ones, especially the guy who delivered Faith... he was pretty awesome.
If you haven't figured it out, Jodi doesn't have Gestational Diabetes. This is good news, for Jodi and for the baby. Jodi had it with Faith, and was borderline with Grace, so we were worried that she may have it with Hope. Luckily this is not the case, not only because Jodi won't have to worry about her blood sugar levels and avoid all the sweet junk food, but there are different complications that it can bring about to the baby as well. It's just great not having to deal with all that.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
how bout some more pics of the kids
enjoying the Bob the Builder Exhibit at the Children's Museum
Dad and Faith playing Little Big Planet (she loves that game) and Jodi bought the shirt for me, the words written on that shirt do not reflect my views and in no way shall I be held liable for your emotional state after you've read the shirt... clicking on the picture makes it larger.(you clicked on it didn't you)
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1 year ago
I am so glad that Jodi doesn't have GD. I was thinking about her. I was borderline with both the girls and I know what a hassle the second glucose test is. Btw, my dr. does that too, "no news is good news", must be a civilian doctor thing. Get that wife of yours to take a profile picture so I can see her belly since I am not there to experience it this time. Miss you guys. Let us know the next time you are going to be up this way.
So glad Jodi can have an easier time this pregnancy. The pictures are all adorable...oh, and yes...I enlarged the pic so I could read your shirt.....
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