Monday, July 28, 2008

So Exciting

We went to the doctors today to hear the heartbeat... but we got to see the heartbeat. It was kind of a cheap little machine, but it was way cooler than just hearing the heart beat, we actually got to see the little baby's heart moving and beating, it was awesome. Here's a few pics of the ultrasounds.

its a baby.

10 wks 6 days 3.96 cm long
We thought Jodi was 11 Weeks, but it looks as though the due date is Feb 15th, not the 14th, but I'm still saying Valentine's day is the due date.

another view


Delayna said...

Congrats on your ultrasound, too! Isnt seeing the heartbeat awesome? We didnt hear the heartbeat on our little bean... we just saw it, but what a cool experience!

Delayna said...

I'm really happy for you guys! It'll be fun to be pregnant at the same time... our babies are only a month apart! (My due date is St. Patricks Day)

Jessica said...

Congrats, Joel and Jodi! Did you guys know that I'll be in Cannon Beach this October to May? We'll have to meet up.