... we get to find out whether we're having a boy or girl. A little less than a month, and now is probably a good time to get some wagers going... (the game is completely free) but might as well make them and see who is the closest.
To help make your guesses a little more edumacated...
Grace was 2 weeks overdue 8 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long
Faith was 1 day over 8 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long...
so make your best guesses people. Oh, and get the guesses in before we announce the sex of the baby, it's worth 500 points if you get it right.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Soon, very soon
Posted by
10:00 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oscar Mayer
The weinermobile was in town and we got the kids pictures taken... so cute.
Grace being a weiner
Faith didn't want to get her picture taken by herself.
Posted by
2:44 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Devotions with the Kids
Today we decided to go back to doing a devotion with the kids. I'm not sure if we'll do this every day or once a week, because the kids seemed to lose interest pretty quickly. The devotion was about Jesus doing a very unbelievable thing and dying on the cross to pay the penalty for us, even though we are sinners. Then afterwards, Faith started asking me all sorts of questions about her Great Grandma dying (which happened a little less than a month ago, but I waited until the other day to tell them). It was interesting to see her think about these questions, I could see the little gears turning in her head as she tried to think about what she was asking, and it was kind of hard to answer them. She asked about the spirit, the brain, heaven, and our bodies, and man was I amazed at her thought process.
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: Children, Life in General